Co je self - regulated learning skills
- autoregulační, sebeřídící schopnosti a dovednosti při učení, způsobilost člověka řídit si vlastní učení
Původ slova
z angličtiny
Související výrazy
self monitoring, self help, public self, privat self, self managed learning, self - understanding, self - serving bias, self report, self indulgence, self guided learning, self reliant, self disclosure, sense of self, self - acting, self - realization principle, self - congratulation, coping self efficacy, self -serviing bias, self - approval, mastery learning, learning by doing, brain-based learning, learning package, simplex cognitive learning style, learning styles, learning disability, learning strategies, brain compatible learning, team learning, learning agreement, learning disorders, specific learning difficulties, substitute learning, learning society, vicarious learning, approaches to learning, meaningful learning, hard skills, soft skills, language skills, written skills, developing communicative skills, survival skills, occupational skills, oral skills, metacognitive skills, coping skills, life skills, thinking skills, social skills
Self - regulated learning skills může být také omylem zapsáno jako:
self - regulated learnyng skills, self - regulated learning skylls, self - regulated learning skils, self - regulated learnyng skylls, self - regulated learnyng skils, self - regulated learning skyls, self - regulated learnyng skyls
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