Co je theory of triarchic ontelligence
- triarchická teorie inteligence Roberta J.Sternberga podle níž má inteligence komponentu analytickou, praktickou a tvořivou
Související výrazy
attachment theory, equity theory, standpoint theory, triangular theory of love, dual coding theory (dct), social impact theory, clustering theory, cognitive developmental theory, social exchange theory
Theory of triarchic ontelligence může být také omylem zapsáno jako:
theori of triarchic ontelligence, theory of tryarchic ontelligence, theory of triarchyc ontelligence, theory of triarchic ontellygence, theory of triarchic onteligence, theori of tryarchic ontelligence, theori of triarchyc ontelligence, theori of triarchic ontellygence, theori of triarchic onteligence, theory of tryarchyc ontelligence, theory of tryarchic ontellygence, theory of tryarchic onteligence, theory of triarchyc ontellygence
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